PrepperPrepper Open Data Bank


Prepper Open Data Bank provides various open data in Japan that can be processed immediately without data preparation.

1. BETA Version Release

JAPANESE CITY DATA is a collection of statistical and spatial data at the municipal level in Japan, which is publicly available on the government statistics portal site "e-stat". truestar collected and processed this data that can be immediately used in data analysis. The database includes various statistical information such as total population and labor force data classified by gender and age group, and provides abundant data necessary for analysis at the municipal level.

Survey statistics data are compiled in a single table, "City Survey Statistical Data [CI_ST]," without dividing the table according to the survey, such as the Census and the Housing and Land Survey. In order to make it easier to understand the contents of each column shown in "City Survey Statistical Data [CI_ST]," we also created a table of statistical survey attribute information, "City Survey Statistical Data Master [CI_ST_MST]," and a table of statistical survey summary information, "City Survey Master [CI_TB_MST].

We prepared geographic information such as the "City Master [CI_MST]" that combines the municipal code and name, the "Representative Point Data of Municipalities [CI_GEO_PT]" based on the National Land Information's office information, and the "Polygon Data of Municipalities [CI_GEO_PG]" based on the polygon of National Spatial Data.

We also share a view with minimum columns for each statistical survey which is classified by category and survey year, so that users can use only the necessary statistical surveys. In addition, it is combined with the City Master [CI_MST] and assigned a municipal code and name.

1. Production Release (E_PODB, J_PODB Schema)

Municipal-level data previously released in JAPANESE CENSUS&SPATIAL (abbreviated as old C&S) will also be included.

*Municipal representative point data is based on latitude and longitude data for government and municipal offices from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI). However, due to a website update, the source data is currently inaccessible. At the time of the next census, we plan to provide information using alternative open data.