PrepperPrepper Open Data Bank



This dataset is a statistical data based on the 2020 national census published on the government statistics e-Stat website, collected and processed by truestar. On e-Stat, it is published as “Table Number 9: Population by Gender and Employment Status (15 years and older).”

ST_CS20_T09: Table with column names that are easy to handle for analysis and system integration using SQL.

E_ST_CS20_T09: View with English column names that are easy to use in BI tools such as Tableau.

J_ST_CS20_T09: View with Japanese column names that are easy to use in BI tools such as Tableau.

Sample Data

Data Fields


Population by Gender and Labor Force Status (Ages 15 and above)

Based on the Census/2020 Edition/Table Number 9

Prepared by truestar based on the above source.