This is a dataset of prefectural survey statistics data processed by Truestar using data published on the government statistics website e-Stat.
This dataset provides statistical information for each prefecture. By using the ESTATDB_STATS_FULL_ID (statistical code) assigned by truestar, you can easily obtain the survey attributes of each statistical quantity by joining with the prefecture statistical master [PR_ST_MST]. You can also obtain information about each prefecture by joining with the prefecture master table [PR_MST] using the PREF_CODE (prefecture code). If you want to visualize spatial information, you can also join with the prefecture representative point data [PR_GEO_PT] and prefecture polygon data [PR_GEO_PG].
Sample Data
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Click here to view sample data from Japanese Prefecture Data
Data Fields
2020 Census
Medical Facility Survey
Resident Basic Register Population Movement Report
Industrial Statistics Survey 2020 Final Report
Population Dynamics Survey
2016 Economic Census for Business Activity
Housing and Land Survey Housing and Land Survey in Heisei 30
Special Notes
Due to the following reasons, the total value of municipal data may not match the numerical value of prefectural data.
- Although records for municipalities exist, there are records where the numerical values are missing (represented by “X” in e-stat). The missing records are treated as null and do not affect the total values of each municipality. However, even if there are missing values in municipal data, the numerical values of prefectural data may reflect actual values.
- PODB CITY DATA does not aggregate records below the municipal level. Moreover, there may be no statistical data below the municipal level, causing discrepancies with the numerical values of prefectural data.
- Differences in aggregation methods at each regional level may cause discrepancies with the numerical values of prefectural data. For example, the aggregation of the number of people moving in may differ depending on whether only those moving from foreign countries are included or if those moving from other regions within the country are also included, depending on the regional granularity.
- The Housing and Land Survey does not cover towns and villages with a population of less than 15,000, so about one-third of municipalities are not surveyed. In addition, there is no data on some municipalities in the Industrial Statistics Survey (18 municipalities are excluded).