truestar inc. Population Statistics 5 Years
This dataset is a compilation of household composition data by family type for each prefecture, processed and integrated by truestar based on the 2015 and 2020 national censuses published on the government statistics e-Stat website.
This is a social and demographic dataset by prefecture in Japan. It includes a column for “household family type” as household attribute information. “Household family type” is classified into categories such as “nuclear family households” and “single-person households”, and maintains statistics such as household population and number of households for each category.
It can be easily linked to other datasets such as “Prefectural Basic Data [PR_FD20]” by using prefecture codes.
Sample Data
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Data Fields
※This field is common for 2015 and 2020 data.
- 2020
- 2015
The data is prepared by truestar, based on the follwing data.
e-Stat 2020 Population Census Basic Tabulation on Population and Others
Table 9-3: Age of Household Members and General Household Population by Family Type – National, Prefectures, Cities, and Towns
Table 10: General Household Numbers by Family Type and Number of Household Members – National, Prefectures, Cities, and Towns
Table 27-4: General Household Numbers by Family Type and Presence of Households Members Aged 65 and Over – National, Prefectures, Cities, and Towns
The data is prepared by truestar, based on the follwing data.
“Population and Households of Japan” statistical table number 38, which shows the number of general households, general household members, and per capita number of people (including 3-generation households and general households with members aged 65 and older – special edition), classified by 16 types of family types, from the Final Report of the 2015 National Census by e-Stat – Nationwide, prefectures.