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truestar inc.  polyline  every year


This dataset is a polyline data for railway sections for analysis processed by truestar, based on the railway data from the MLIT National Land Numerical Information.


We hold polyline data for railroad sections nationwide so that there is one record per “operator type” & “operator company” & “line name”. This dataset corresponds to “POINT_STATION_01 Japanese stations (with line names),” and can be spatially joined and analyzed with other datasets deployed on the Snowflake Data Marketplace.

Please note that there may be cases where the “line name” differs from the officially registered name, even if it is a commonly used name. Many of these apply to JR lines, and for example, JR Tamachi Station is not on the Yamanote Line or Keihin-Tohoku Line, but on the Tokaido Line, which does not stop at Tamachi Station. Please be aware of this when handling the data. If “line name” is not required, please use “POLYLINE_RAILWAY_02 Japanese railway sections (without route names).”

The following YouTube video introduces an example of visualizing the data using Tableau.

Data Fields



The data is prepared by truestar, based on the follwing data.
Digital National Land Information provided by MLIT

Special Notes

1. Regarding railway line names:

Mainly in JR, what is generally used as a line name is the operation system name. This name is different from the line name of the railway data published in the National Land Numerical Information, which requires careful consideration when being deployed. For example, the Yamanote line in fact includes 30 stations forming a ring shape such as Tokyo station and Shinbashi station, however only stations from Shinagawa to Tabata are registered (see the figure below). Other stations are registered on other lines, for instance Kanda station on Chuo line, Akihabara station on Soubu line, Ueno station on Touhoku line, etc., which is difficult to understand for average users.

Therefore, we have prepared two datasets, one that retains the line name (POLYLINE_RAILWAY_01) and one without the line name (POLYLINE_RAILWAY_02), so that you can choose the one that best suits your purpose of use.


When deploying both station and railway section data, please use either of the following combinations:





2. Regarding railway class

“RAILWAY_CLASS” is excluded from the railway section data because there are cases where “RAILWAY_CLASS” is different for each station. For example, the Chuo line of Line 4 of Osaka City Metro includes both track and ordinary rail in ” POINT_STATION_01″, but only ordinary track in the railroad section, resulting in inconsistencies due to RAILWAY_CLASS.


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