PrepperPrepper Open Data Bank


truestar inc.  Population Statistics Every Year


This dataset is based on the “Population Estimates” of the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and contains population estimates by prefecture, gender, and age group (in 5-year increments) which is processed by truestar.


The “Population Estimates” by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications are conducted to grasp the population situation at the time between censuses. Based fron the population from the census, they estimate the population as of the first day of each month by obtaining other population-related data on movements such as births, deaths, immigration, and emigration as well as the results by age and by prefecture as of October 1st each year.

PODB has been providing  these prefecture-level data for analysis since the fiscal year 2016. The prefecture codes assigned so that the data can be easily to link to other PODB data.

Note that this data is rounded to the nearest thousand, so there may be discrepancies between the published aggregate values, such as the national total and male/female total and those of the sum of 47 prefectures or male/female total. Therefore, please be careful when using the data that includes aggregate values.


Sample Data

Data Fields



The data is prepared by truestar, based on the follwing data.

The population estimate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Statistics Bureau.

Special Notes

■Regarding aggregate values

This data is rounded to the nearest thousand and may contain errors when aggregated as national or gender totals, or as aggregates of the 47 prefectures or by gender. Please note that the data is published including aggregate values.